Parenting Couch Podcast - Vanessa talks with North Shore Mums

Nov 27, 2023

I recently joined Rachel and Sarah from North Shore Mums on their podcast The Parenting Couch to talk about my new book, “Talking Sex: A Conversation Guide for Parents.” 

You can watch a little sneak peak of the episode here!

Four Mums from Sydney provide an online resource for parents full of insight and advice called North Shore Mums. On their podcast they discuss all kinds of topics, from financial advice, gentle parenting tips, setting boundaries and so much more! It was lovely to join Rachel and Sarah on the podcast, we had plenty of experiences to share about conversations with our kids regarding sex and sexuality, puberty, porn and so much more. 

Sexuality education is such an important part of parenting, yet parents often feel overwhelmed and embarrassed on how to approach conversations with their kids. In my parent and teacher sessions I often hear the same myths and fears come up, and I dispelled these myths and fears on the podcast.

Let’s debunk the most common myths and fears I commonly hear about sexuality education!


#1 Teaching kids about sexuality will destroy their innocence

This myth is extremely problematic as it implies that human sexuality, and learning about it, is dirty, bad, shameful, harmful or wrong. Providing children with comprehensive and age-appropriate sexuality education that scaffolds as they get older provides many benefits. It actually empowers them, protects them from abuse and gives them the vocabulary to talk to an adult if something is wrong.

#2 I’ll get it wrong; I don’t have the language to explain it

Your children are already receiving messages every day from the world around them. Your words, however imperfect, are better than the misinformation they might hear on the playground, social media or pornography. As awkward as it might be, the benefits of these conversations far outweigh your discomfort.

#3 They might ask be about my own past, history and experiences

It’s okay to not share your personal history, it’s actually a good example of teaching about privacy: “I’ll teach you what is useful for your learning, but I won’t be sharing all of my personal information”.

#4 Talking about sexuality will give them ideas - they might go out and experiment

In fact, the opposite is true. Research shows that comprehensive sexuality education delays the age of children’s first experience of sexual intercourse. It also increases the use of contraception and increases the use of condoms, which results in fewer unintended pregnancies and fewer STIs.

Parents and carers, if you’re looking for extra advice on dispelling these myths and fears, I recommend listening to this podcast with North Shore Mums and purchasing my book, “Talking Sex: A Conversation Guide for Parents.”