Sexuality Education for Parents of Secondary School Aged Children, 2020

(An online presentation recording)

What it is:

  • An online version of face to face presentation, Vanessa usually presents live
  • 90 minute recorded video 
  • Ongoing Access,  24/7 on any phone, device or computer with internet access
  • Watch it as many times as you like, watch it with your child’s other parent/carer
  • Useful information if you also have kids younger or older than Secondary School Age

What does Vanessa talk about?

  • Human sexuality is complex  and diverse and has hardly anything to do with 'sex'.
  • Removing barriers to talking to your teens about sex and human sexuality 
  • How to use teachable moments to provide the information your teens need
  • Demonstrate how to have positive reactions to difficult conversations
  • Encouraging parents so that you  can be the main source of  sex and sexuality information for your teen 
  • The key topics: porn, sexting, sexualised popular culture and how you can readily talk about it with your teen

After watching the video you will be aware of:

  • The fact that you need be your child’s main source of sex and sexuality information
  • Teens have happier, healthier, more fulfilling  and safer intimate experiences in life, when you have provided them with positive accurate sexuality information 
  • How you can override the conflicting messages from media, advertising, popular culture 
  • Thinking differently about sex and sexuality conversations -  there is a better way than what many of us expereinced growing up 
  • Parent’s fears and myths that often prevent essential sexuality conversations 
  • Where to find further resources



What others are saying about accessing online presentation:

"...Thank you Vanessa. Your ideas are so incredibly on the mark and I feel they will be easy to implement!...

Secondary School Parent

"I'm watching this now and it's so helpful and insightful!"

Secondary School Parent

“...Thanks for a great session I asked my 18 year old son if he had heard of (the explicit online site you mentioned)  and he said yep in about Grade 4!! His best friend had an older brother that showed him! But luckily my 16 & 13 year old girls haven’t heard about it!”

Secondary School Parent 

"Thank you... I learned things that I didn't know before about the breadth of LGBTIQ issues and to keep talking to my teenagers, we need to counterbalance the influence of media, social media and pornography sites with positive messages about sexuality."

Secondary School Parent

"Giving girls empowerment and the wording learnt"

Secondary School Parent