Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Education 

“Improving the Sexual Health and Wellbeing for all Humans”


Our mission is to improve the health & happiness of every human’s personal experience of BASB (Being A Sexual Being). 

Through knowledge and education, we aim to positively influence an individual’s, 

lifetime journey of discovering their own unique sexuality personality and to 

facilitate their right to the opportunity to write their own sexual health and wellbeing ‘script’ for their journey through life.


A Conversation Guide For Parents

Will give you the confidence to be the main source of information about sex, sexuality, consent, and respect for your kids

To read more click here.


Buy it here

What every parent needs to know about AI Deep Fakes

Is your child curious about AI? Are you worried about the risks of deepfakes? Do you know how to start conversations about AI with your child? Are you looking for simple strategies to keep your child safe online?
Register here











 Watch Vanessa speak to a National TV audience, she explains that parents need to be the main provider if information to their children


Talking The Talk Virtual Classroom

Sexuality, Consent, Respectful Relationships Lesson resources  delivered to your classroom virtually. The supported and trained teacher becomes the facilitator of 'done for you' lessons.

Parents have free resources as well.

Best practice, COVID friendly, capacity building,  whole school approach.

Primary Schools Click Here

Talking The Talk Virtual Classroom

Sexuality, Consent, Respectful Relationships Lesson resources  delivered to your classroom virtually. The supported and trained teacher becomes the facilitator of 'done for you' lessons.

Parents have free resources as well.

Best practice, COVID friendly, capacity building,  whole school approach.

Secondary Schools Click Here

2023 Educational Publishing Awards Australia

Multiple Winner!

- Primary Educational Chapter Book

- Outstanding Primary Resource 

Read the Judges comments here

Kit and Arlo Find a Way: Teaching consent to 8–12 year olds is a much needed consent teaching resource for Grades 3 to 6.
An action-packed and relatable fictional chapter book, Kit and Arlo is a page-turning journey of upper primary school kids – Kit, Arlo, Harley and Vanya – developing and exploring friendships with plenty of ups and downs.
Entertaining and compelling as a standalone narrative, Kit and Arlo’s secret weapon is that it contains all of the complex components of consent and includes respectful relationships education in an age-appropriate format.
Access book and free resources/videos/lesson plans
ABC Radio Melbourne - Virginia Trioli interview
Vanessa talks about taking the word sex out of consent education to young children
ABC Radio Melbourne - Jacinta Parsons Interview
Ingrid and Vanessa talk about teaching consent to young children

The latest from our  blog 

16 Reasons Why We Must Do Better in 2024: How We All Can Play Our ...

World AIDS Day

Body Image and the Sexualisation of Breasts

Our Education Services


Why are our parent sessions so popular? Because we tell it like it is. The aim of our parent session is to leave you with tips, tools and confidence to have positive conversations with your kids


Our teacher education delivers content that addresses two of the most commonly identified barriers to successful teacher-led implementation of sex and sexuality education programs



Human Sexuality, Consent and Respectful Relationships Education,  delivered to your class room any time. Affordable, convenient and sustainable. All Year Levels


Find Out More: Primary and Secondary

About Vanessa

With over 25 years of experience in Sexual Health Nursing and Education, I have created this service with the aim of improving the health & happiness of every human’s experience of BASB (Being A Sexual Being)©.

Through improved knowledge and education, we aim to positively influence each personal lifetime journey of discovering their own unique sexuality personality.


This was easily the best talk I have been to about anything to do with my kids. Straight to the point, informative and actionable. Loved it - thank you!

Primary School Parent

Primary School Parent

Vanessa's presentation is probably one of the best parenting sessions I've ever attended. Honest, engaging, knowledgable, fantastic, Thank you.

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

Hey Vanessa, just wanted to say thank you for such a brilliant session last night!!! You are awesome!! I greatly appreciate your info on understanding gender identity and the differentiation between genitals and gender. I think this clarified a way to think about what can often be a challenging concept for some...Once again many thanks for a truly great session.

Parent and Kindergarten Education Leader

Get started with one of these resources

Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Conversations Membership

Teaching your kids about sex and sexuality does not have to be uncomfortable...

Let's get started, it's easier than you think.

Recommended Book List 

Vanessa's personal recommendation of books . A collection of all the books that have come across her desk that she would recommend to people, especially parents - so that you can be the main sexuality educator for your child.

Link Library

Vanessa's personal collection of essential web links. A comprehensive collection of all the web-links you'll ever need so that you can be the main sexuality educator for your child.


Free Essential Mini Masterclass

5 confidence hacks for parents to start and continue sexuality conversations with kids


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