Recommended Sexuality Book List for Children
The aim of the book list is just to get you started with some resource ideas, it is definitely not complete. Let me know if you have any recommendations of more great books that we could add. Good luck with the many, many, many, sexuality conversations you need to be having with your kids. Remember to always be an askable parent. We hope you find the resources useful. “Let’s get started it’s easier than you think”.

Link Library: FREE Sexuality & Education Resources
Look through Vanessa's collection of the best sexuality and relationships education resources on the internet.
ACCESS THE LINK LIBRARYHealthy Sexuality Conversations Membership
Work closely with Vanessa: access to Live Q&A’s, courses, ebooks, videos to learn more so that you can have essential conversations with your kids.
For parents of children 5 to 11-years-old

Online Video Parent Presentation
Sexuality Education for Parents of Primary School Aged Children, 2020.
This session is aimed at educating you – a parent or carer, so that:
- You become your child’s main source of information about sex and sexuality
- Your children’s safety and wellbeing is a priority as they grow up
- Your children have the best possibility of healthy and happy development, experiences and relationships through their human sexuality life journey
- Watch it in the comfort of your own home
- Watch it with the child’s other parent/carer
- Ongoing Access, 24/7 on any phone, device or computer with internet access
“…I just wanted to say a great big thank you for the session you conducted … It was very informative and there are many new concepts and ideas my partner and I will take away. The overall message of “who do you want to be having these talks with your kids?” really resonated and affirmed that we are in the best position to be doing this work. It also affirmed that we’re on the right track with many things. I’ve since bought the book “Sex is a Funny Word” which my 10 year old loves, and am looking into all the other resources. I also want to say that running it online was so helpful because it meant both my partner and I could attend. Doing it in person would have meant someone staying home or getting a babysitter, so this was far more accessible…”
Primary School aged Parent, July 2020

Free Essential Mini Masterclass
5 confidence hacks for parents to start and continue sex and sexuality conversations with kids.